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Need help with accoustic guitar video!


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This is a file I got on a guitar forum I visited. I have been playing guitar for 24 years and have never heard anything like this guy! What I want to do, is burn the file onto a CD to be viewed by windows media player so that I can keep it forever, but there is one problem.....the media is STREAMING VIDEO! How do I get it into a file format so that I can burn it?? I have nero 5.5 and win xp with a LG 52x32x52 cd burner. Is there some softeware that will capture this video?? Please give me a step by step.Thanks! Here is the file:


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The original quicktime movie in full resolution used to be on the Larrivee website for downloading. It was over 200mb but it looked alot better. That is www.justinking.com playing.

Go here and you can download the originals

The quicktime version is packed in a SIT (stuff it) file. The WMV version is packed in a winzip file. These will be MUCH better quality. You can download free programs that unpack these.

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