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My acoustic into my bass rig...OMG!!!!

Jim S

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For the fun of it I ran my old '70s Martin D28 herringbone with a Sunrise pickup and preamp into my high end bass rig:


Kern IP-777 preamp

Crown K2 power amp

Euphonic Audio VL210 cabinet


Holy Sh-t!!! This thing sounds sooooo good: clear, dynamic, punchy, prodigious defined tight bass, huge open sound, present. Insane!!!!!!!!!! :D


I use an Ultrasound DS50 which sounds wonderful and is pleasantly portable: small and very lightweight. But the massive clear punchy sound of this bass rig can't be matched.


Pricewise I purchased the Ultrasound amp for about $325 used while my bass rig cost ~$2500 when I bought it about 5 years ago.


In comparison to the Ultrasound amp my bass rig weighs in and is as easy to move as a small planet.


(FYI, my basses are a Sadowsky jazz 4 and Sadowsky PJ4.)

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I have tried that some thing, and I got the same results; clear, uncolored, natural acoustic sound. I have a 70's ampeg V-4B with an Avatar 410, I found the tube head gave my acoustic a nice warm sound without coloring the sound, just warming it up. It's too bad that I can't take my bass rig everywhere, it's just too big and heavy.

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I've had good luck with my bass amp too. It's not high end (Peavey TNT 115) but really sounds clear and full. You may also want to try out a 15" powered speaker. I have a pair of Samson DB500a's and they sound great.

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very interesting...


I've found the same thing with slight variations & used it for a few years now.


KERN IP-777 -great for acoustic, jazz & strat/no good for nylon

HAFLER P3000 or P1500 -very warm sounding power amps

EA CXL 110- either mono or x2 as stereo pair




Then I got the Ultrasound DS50 a month ago...

I no longer have to move my small planet but I find the

PMB 1 & Lexicon reverb to be mandatory with the Ultrasound

If it's a large room I still take the planet.

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A little over a year ago my girl asked me to go move some boxes out of her (now our) bedroom.

I walked in the room and there was a brown guitar case with a

ribbon and card on it.

It was a Taylor LKSM

I've played for over 40yrs and have never seen or heard a

12 string like this guitar.

A beautiful guitar.

not to mention a beautiful girl.

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A little over a year ago my girl asked me to go move some boxes out of her (now our) bedroom.

I walked in the room and there was a brown guitar case with a

ribbon and card on it.

It was a Taylor LKSM

I've played for over 40yrs and have never seen or heard a

12 string like this guitar.

A beautiful guitar.

not to mention a beautiful girl.

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