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New Track, Feedback Appreciated!


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This is a recording of my friend Kyle Habighorst on Acoustic, and my girlfriend Millie Newell on vocals. Recorded using a Tascam US-122 and a Behringer B1 Condensor. Please leave feedback on what you think!


Hi-Fi: http://www.soundclick.com/util/streamM3U.m3u?ID=1186908&q=Hi


Lo-Fi: http://www.soundclick.com/util/streamM3U.m3u?ID=1186908&q=Lo




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If I'm being honest - I'd say both tracks have been well recorded and the playing and singing are well up to standard. The drumming/drum programming is very good. Your girlfriend sings very well on both of them.

However both songs lack interest and the monotone arrangement lead them nowhere. Both of them badly need chorus's or a strong hook. Play them yourself - get to halfway and ask yourself what else is going to happen? I think the songwriting needs to be revisited - they're not totally dead - worth a rewrite I would have thought. The arrangement is almost non-existent after the main instruments have been established (well). This really needs attention as it enphasises the lack of changes in the writing. If you listen carefully to "simple songs" in this genre, you will notice gentle backing arrangements that ebb and flow with the songs pace.

best wishes


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thank you very much for your comments!


I noticed the guitar work was pretty plain myself too, I wasn't exactly working with an extremely talented guitar player so I just told him to do what he could. All I did was sit back and mix.

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Those links have spyware in them. I scanned my system before I went there. Then immediately after. It showed up with some data miners in my registry.



This is not uncommon, but for those of you who are getting more popups or other issues it is because there is a parasite in your registry.

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Cool stuff. Nice groove. I'm going through somewhat of a metamorphosis myself regarding finding different ways to express the melody and keep the interest through the whole piece. Your tune is beautiful in it's simplicity and vibe. Add a little variation without mucking it up too much and I think you'll have a solid piece of work on your hands. Keep them coming man!

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It doesn't hurt to have a pretty girl on your web page! ;)


Not bad at all. Especially for the equipment and amount of work.


I was impressed enough to listen to both and post. Keep up the good work. It will not only be great fun, make great friends and create but it really makes everyone alot better.


I think alot of people underestimate how much recording helps you get better as a player.


Good Job ! ! !




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