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I'm thinking of buying a third mic...

Barry Jive

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Hey guys. I currently have a large diaphragm condensor mic in a Studio Projects C1 and a SM-57. The C-1 is very good for both vocals and acoustics, the 57 merely ok for vocals and guitars, both acoustic and electric.


I'm thinking of adding another to the stable, but don't know exactly what to get. Ideally I'd like to be able to record myself singing and playing acoustic guitar 100 percent live (with out compromising the quality of the voice or guitar with a 57).


On a side note, the 57 I have is surprisingly bad at recording electric guitars. Maybe it's a dud, maybe I'm a moron, I don't know. All I know is the results are lackluster. Any mics you know that could work double duty on electric and acoustic guitars? Or vocals and electrics? Basically I just want one more sonic color to play around with.


Thanks, you guys are awesome for things like this!

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You did not state a budget.


MXL 603 - small diaphragm condenser, great for acoustic guitars. Others on this forum use them with great results.


Sennheiser 421 - it's what a 57 wants to be when it grows up. Throw one of these on your electric's amp. See also: Shure SM7.

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Originally posted by takeout

You did not state a budget.

MXL 603 - small diaphragm condenser, great for acoustic guitars. Others on this forum use them with great results.

Sennheiser 421 - it's what a 57 wants to be when it grows up. Throw one of these on your electric's amp. See also: Shure SM7.



Thanks for the ideas. As far as budget...I'm actually pretty open. I came into quite a bit of money recently that I don't know what to do with. I'd say 500 dollars absolute max, but I'd like to spend a great deal less.


I forgot to say I was running through an audiobuddy preamp into Logic Delta on my computer.

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I've been extremely pleased with the response and results from my Audio-Technica 3035 (AT3035 - large diaphragm condenser, about $199 at GC, but I got mine on eBay for $125) for vocals and electric guitar (particularly for micing cabs), and it does fairly well for acoustic (though I usually use two matched Oktava MK012's for that when recording).


The AT3035 is a great value, very well built and sounds awesome on amps and vox (particularly mid-range male vox). You won't be dissappointed, esp. given the cost. Heck, you could even afford another nice mic (perhaps a decent small condenser or two) within your budget.


Do a search on this model at in the Recording Forum....

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