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CAVE Guitar


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A freind invited me to an underground event on Sept. 11. It will be very etherial music (musical bowls and a vocalist). I understand that the bowls are like large versions of playing a wine glass. Who knows what it will sound like. Anyway, this will be underground in a real large cavern. I toured the caverns last week. They where incredable. Huge formations, the whole enchilata. The acoustics are HUGE. They have had other events held there, like Tibetan monks chanting, etc. I am invited to bring my acoustic Guitar and also play for these poeple. The question is: how concerned should I be about the caves 100% HUMIDITY?? I could allways bring the old Guild. But I naturally would prefer to play my expensive Breedlove if it would do no harm. Is there cause for me to leave my best guitar at home? I know there aren't a lot cave guitarists out there, but you guys do seem to know a lot about humidity and its affects. Thanks for your input.

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