Members nylon rock Posted February 11, 2007 Members Posted February 11, 2007 My new Lowden Nylon String has a open G string buzz problem. (I've taken pictures of the guitar but am waiting for my OMC-21 to come back this week from my luthier and use the rest of the film to get that guitar photographed too. The OMC-21 has had the refret, fingerboard radius mods, and fingerboard and bridge inlaying.) Back to my problem: The nut and saddle are bone. For the G string, I put cotton under the bearing point of the nut and also at the saddle and can get the problem to stop completely. Noticed that when I tuned the guitar down to do this cotton idea, before the cotton, the string would buzz noticably loud at lower tension. Even when I fret the string, the buzz comes and goes, so I think it is primarily a saddle issue. If I play lightly (always with a pick) the buzz does not always happen. With hard playing the buzz can be annoyingly noticeable. If I pick the string down the buzz happens. If I pick it up, no buzz. I took an Xacto knife and lightly scraped the saddle right where the string rests, on the same slant as the existing slant, where the string definitely clears the saddle. Removed practically nothing (maybe 1 millionth of a gram of bone) but wanted to see is a micro burr existed. Still the buzz when I brought the string up to tension. Any of you luthiers have much experience with string buzzing from bone and nylon? Bjorn? Freeman?
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