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Wechter 1710 Travel Guitar


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That recent thread on guitars to travel with has gotten me thinking about buying an inexpensive guitar that's easy for travel. I've read lots of good things about the A&L Ami. But I came across a video of a guy playing this Wechter side by side with the Little Martin. And it sounded great. But there seems to be very little written about these guitars.


My ideal guitar right now would be a small parlor size which would be handy to travel with. Small enough also that my kids might feel comfortable playing it. And yet have a good sound but not cost too much, say under $300, ideally around $200. Fender also has a couple. Don't really want to go higher for a Seagull or Larrivee which both probably have better sound I'm sure. I like playing soft rock, folk, pop. Not much into blues right now, but I know these smaller guitars are often mentioned as being good for the blues. Maybe I'd get more into it with the right guitar.


So is the Wechter a pretty good choice? I know everyone always says choose what sounds good to you. But the local guitar stores don't have many to try in this size. So I may just have to take a chance based on the reviews.

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