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Where to buy a flamenco guitar?


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For a starter flamenco, I recommend the Yamaha CG171SF for around $350. Yamaha quality control is extremely consistent. Is it the best guitar out there? Definitely not. Is it the best flamenco at that price point? Definitely.


If your budget is around the $1000 mark, I recommend a Francisco Navarro. Good sound, good percussion, comfortable to play. I put Hannabachs on mine, and it has a really nice sound.


If your budget is over $1500, you're really going to have to get out there and try some out. Different players prefer different guitars, but I recommend you stay away from factory models at that point. There are a few good factory models at that price point, but for that kind of money there's no reason you can't get something from a good luthier.

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For a starter flamenco, I recommend the Yamaha CG171SF for around $350. Yamaha quality control is extremely consistent. Is it the best guitar out there? Definitely not. Is it the best flamenco at that price point? Definitely.

If your budget is around the $1000 mark, I recommend a Francisco Navarro. Good sound, good percussion, comfortable to play. I put Hannabachs on mine, and it has a really nice sound.




But if you plan on getting a Navarro, get it from a reputable dealer like Tom Nunez at La Falseta because:

    but by his relatives or hired workshop employees. Don't let anyone convince you that they were crafted under Francisco's experienced hands. Follow the rule: play before buying.


    Avoid eBay unless you have a return policy and you know how to evaluate a flamenco guitar. Watch out for sellers offering returned Navarros as "new".

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For a starter flamenco, I recommend the Yamaha CG171SF for around $350. Yamaha quality control is extremely consistent. Is it the best guitar out there? Definitely not. Is it the best flamenco at that price point? Definitely.





I've played a few CG171Sfs and they are pretty nice guitars. I'm not sure what makes one guitar better than another with respect to the flamenco arena specifically, but the CG171SFs sounded and felt great played flamenco style.

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Follow the rule: play before buying.

This is good advice to follow as long as decent flamenco guitars are available in your area; because if you play that Yamaha back-to-back with ohhhhh say, a Francisco Navarro Garcia Student 2 such as mine (which sure enough came from La Falseta btw, $1000 and worth every penny), you won't want the Yamaha anymore :) It's a perfectly adequate beginner's guitar, and pros like Jason McGuire would not recommend it if it were junk. But in all honesty, it's got more in common with a classical than a true flamenco imho.

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... because if you play that Yamaha back-to-back with ohhhhh say, a Francisco Navarro Garcia Student 2 such as
(which sure enough came from La Falseta btw, $1000 and worth every penny), you won't want the Yamaha anymore


Hey Kovachian! :wave:


Figured you'd go for the one with pegs. :thu: Is that the original rosette or did you have Tom ask Francisco to have a custom one installed?

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The story behind that is, (the way I understand it at least) is that the rosette is the same as one that gj Michelob bought from lmii, and asked Tom to have Francisco install (along with ebony pegs and satin-finish neck). Tom was so impressed with what Francisco built that he ordered another guitar spec'd exactly the same. After I bought it, Tom informed me that it's one of three similarly-spec'd Navarros currently in existence. Not that my guitar will be priceless one day or anything :lol: but I thought that was interesting to know.

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