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Help me...my guitar playing is going to the dogs


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I have mediocre guitar tone when I play. But I'm nothing special. Just recently though I've seen people who have been playing for half to one-eighth the time I have (8 years) and they can play better than me. It may be tht they practice consistently, which I don't do - I just kinda jam by myself all the time.


Can you tell me your secrets of great guitar tone...from vibrato to articulation to speed etc...I need help...I'm losing the faith:(

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hey the same thing is happening to me, i was a much better guitar player when i was a teenager than i am now (just turned 26). I am about ready to go sign up for lessons, I guess ill start back at beginner or something because over the years I just developed into using the same chords and lead licks that I really liked over and over just in different orders. everytime i go to the guitar store i see some punk young kid who is much better than me at least techinique wise. The older I get the more I understand music in the scope of the entire piece of work.

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I'm only 14 but I can see where you're coming from. I just stopped taking lessons a month or two ago and thought, "I'll be able to teach myself just as well as a teacher could teach me."

Which is kinda true except for the motivation to actually practice and try new things instead of stickin to the licks you've played a thousand times and just jammin'.

But where I'm really stuck is vibrato...because nobody actually takes you through a detailed lesson on vibrato, and most of the people who are good at it can't explain how they do it. I mean I can get ok vibrato but just like my playing it's nothing special.

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well..i jusyt turned 27....i had some similar problem but i've always studied and went to school/lesson from the first day..
What i've learned is that, it's not a matter of time spent, but how you spend it....
1 hour a day can be more useful than 3 if used in the right way:
15 min vibrato
2 min pause
15 min harmony
2 min pause
15 min alternate picking
2 min pause
and so on, if you are bored, take a longer break!

DO NOT play or study always the same thing in the same way....

the second thing is to always stay calm and enjoy playing guitar.....
don't look at other players, guitar is a challenge with ourselves not with others...
Now i'm still a mediocre player, but satisfied and I enjoy playing AND studying so i become better every day...

...and when i'm depressed, i call out my GAS and use my emergency GAS funds for buying new gear....:p

P.S. i'm quite good at vibratos (the rock one, i suck at classic guitar style) and bendings, open a thread and i'm sure you'll find a lot of help...

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