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Tele Pickups: DiMarzio Tone Zone vs Seymour Duncan

Moonlight Blue

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To all tele lovers:


I have browsed a lot of reviews and opinions vary from one end of the spectrum to the other.


What's best for a bridge noiseless tele pick-up? A DiMarzio Tone Zone T or a Seymour Duncan Hot Rail or Little 59?


I am sure they both are great. What do you like in either one?


I want to get rid of my thin hum on my tele pickups and I have always loved humbucker sounds better (fuller, richer). The single-coil size pickups that fits the tele would be perfect. I am not looking to play AC/DC with my tele (I have an Ibanez RG for that with great humbuckers). But I want to have a sound similar to Johnny A. in Get Inside: warm, creamy, fat, bluesy rock, with good clean. I don't care for the highs on the stock tele. Too sharp, too noisy. I almost always use the neck pickup but it's still too noisy. I'll get to the neck pickup later.


Maybe I should also ask about the Fender Vintage Noiseless Bridge pickup? Is it comparable? :confused:





Tele Rocks!

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Originally posted by Moonlight Blue

Is it noiseless?

Do you have one?

What do you like in it?



It's noiseless and I have three of them, and am about to get three more.




I like the overall feel of them. The neck pup (a 280 in my Tele) reminds me a *lot* of a nice, fat, round, and warm Strat pup. It's tight, with no muddy or dull, blurry low end. Very "round" sounding.


These really are my all time fav pups after trying many different Duncans and other varities. Plus, they're only 40 bucks a piece.


The beauty is, if you don't like them, sell them on Ebay for what you paid. People will pay it.


Check out the HC reviews and check out their website:





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I have a ToneZone in the bridge in an RG and a Schecter and I love it. It is rock and roll... to me. It gets me thick and chunky with a Mark IV amp that I really like. Now, people on here are going to go (eeeeew, he plays a Tone Zone, they are so muuuddddy


But guess what? (now I'm getting into my ranting groove). It sounds really good. Because people are kinda dumb and stupid and hear what they want to hear anyways, they don't hear the compliments I get that my guitar sound is very good. Darm right it sounds good!!!! I paid a lot of bucks to sound good and they're either freakin envious, or they sound like crap so why would they think I sound good? Man, I could go on and on about how I've found my tone in these guitars and my Explorer I just bought but I won't.


Now, having said that and I'm done and I feel better and I'm just trying to help you and myself at the same time... I don't think the ToneZone would be right in the Tele. Just not a Tele pickup but then I don't play Tele's. ToneZone is pure rock like AC/DC and not a "clean" pickup to me...whatever those are.

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