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Pickups for 7-string?


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Someone posted a spam thread about the Duncan JB 7 string version. It's probably been deleted, but the guy posted links to the HC classifieds. You will probably love the JB for metal and I've heard conflicting reports about its ability to clean up (I have to get me one of these at some point). Good luck. :)



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My Ibanez UV777BK has DiMarzio Blazes, and they are decent for metal. Decent, but not spectacular. IMHO, YMMV. I don't play much metal any more and will probably sell the UV.


I once emailed TV Jones and asked if he would make some 7-string FilterTrons. Despite the perfect spelling, grammar, and eloquence of my email, all intended to convey that I in fact did know what I was talking about, I received no reply.

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From my experience there's no such thing as a good bridge pickup for metal AND for clean when using 9 and 10 guage strings.


There are a few ways to deal with the problem.... pick the perfect metal pickup and then play your clean channel with a little dirt. Or use a volume pedal


The only way I've gotten humbuckers to sound good perfectly clean is to lower their output by splitting the coils. If the JB is a 4 conductor pickup you can install a push pull knob and split the coils when playing clean


You can also switch to 11 guage or thicker strings

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DiMarzio Tone Zone 7. I have that in all three of my 7 string guitars (in the bridge in two and the neck in the other). It has a great mid bump, pushes tubes well and offers a nice full tone.


I would say to stay away from the Evolution 7. That thing is very STERILE sounding to my ears.



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