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question PRS SE soapbar II or SG classic?


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I have not played the PRS Soapbar SE's, but for $399 at WMC they are hard to beat for the money.

I owned a SG Classic, and it was a very nice guitar...especially for the $599 price I got it for brand new. At $850 it's probably not the killer buy it was when I got mine, but still not bad. The one I owned had a very fat neck on it.

If the guitar doesn't have to be brand new, take a look at used USA Hamer Specials. You can usually find them in the $400-$600 range. I also owned one of these, and while not as classy-looking as the SG Classic was, it was just a flat-out smoking guitar...and the neck was not as fat as the SG's.

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