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New Toy and related questions


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edit: FYI: PIC2 and PIC3 are full guitar pics, other two are reference.



I won a Peavey USA Predator on ebay and it finally arrived. A few scratches, just needs some TLC and a new switch as far as I can tell. Ebay price: $62.

Some questions:

1) from the pictures, does that an original body? It had a sticker with P2##### underneath it and a different one in the neckpocket, perhaps with a V and a 7? Also, a small circle stamp in the neck pocket, partially painted. I only took the neck off for a minute to attempt to adjust the neck/body angle because the key spot doesn't line up with the hole in the neck plate.


2) looking at the picture in this post, is this fret overlp normal on predators?


3) case that fits it? $62 guitar, is the MF or rondo case good? which is better?


4) anyone have a picture of a black/maple with tortoiseshell pickguard? was thinking about the GFS prewired pickguard rather than messing with the switch.

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