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Yay, i bought my Tokai MIJ!!!


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Here's some counterpoint to leaving your guitar out on a stand...granted the weather profile in his part of the world is different than yours but gives you an idea of what could happen...




I'm not saying keep 'er in plastic...over time it'll get it's share of knock and dings, the environmental impacts are more insidious...

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From what I've read, the case provides a "climate buffer" for your guitar when not in use...if you're going to be playing for an afternoon/evening then sure your stand is the perfect parking zone...I'm really speaking of not in use storage...I know these are certainly beautiful pieces of work and deserve our attention...if your climate's humidity is fairly stable then probably not so much of a worry...

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Originally posted by math2014

Cheers guys!

Kudos to dbx, for telling me to get an LP type guitar instead of an HSS strat.

Only problem is that i pamper her too much instead of keeping her on a stand with a strap on.


Well...it was really more of a suggestion since you were wanting to brew up some rock-n-roll stew...



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Some humidity is good for a guitar, you do not want it in dry air all the time.....although it seems to be more of an issue with acoustics. I have an Epi elitist and that sucker gets put in the case after whenever I am not playing it...no exceptions. Protect your investment!

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