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Why does my guitar make a ring?


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I just got a Kramer Focus 1000 with an SD Custom-Custuom installed in it. When ever I play the guitar, it has a strange oscillating ringing sound going on behind the notes. If I stop playing anything, the sound is still there. If I turn the volume off, the sound dissappears. If I switch amps, the sound is still there. No other guitar makes this noise through any of the tested amps.


What is wrong with my guitar? Is it the pickup? Is the pup damaged and need replacing, or does it just need to be rewired? Is it something else in the electronics of the guitar? It has had a push-pull coil tap pot installed for the volume, could there be an issue with the wiring there? I bought the guitar with these upgrades in it, so I had nothing to do with the electronics.


Is it something I can fix/replace my self?

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Originally posted by TheDarxide

+1000000 on the trem springs. The ones in my BC Rich beast resonate to a C note.



tune the guitar to C and put a tiny microphone in the spring cavity.






then come back on here and tell me if it sounds any good.

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