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Telecaster bridge differences?

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I have been looking on harmony central for well over a year now and I believe that this topic has not been discussed. If it has it has not been lately or if it has excuse my ignorance because I have tried researching on this topic but have found very little information which is why I have turned to the infinite guitar wisdom of harmony central. Now I would just like to know the tonal differences between the different telecaster bridges (if there is any at all).



I know of, I believe, 4 different bridges for the telecaster.


1. The modern bridge




2. 6 Saddle bridge




3. 3 saddle bridge




4. 3 saddle (brass) (compensated?)






Now I would just like to know if there is any real differences between the 4 or even if there are more. Do some have inotation problems or break strings more often and if they actually sound a lot different? Any information at all would be extremely helpful. I have an indonesian squier tele that has the modern bridge and I just wanted to see if a replacements would be worth it. Thank you in advance for your advice.

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I think tele die hards (purists?) will tell you that the 3 saddle brass bridge(which you didn't show) will give you that true tele twang. I believe most of us would be hard pressed to tell the difference in a blind test. I like the 6 saddle for ease of intonation setting.

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yeah, there are lots of differences and lots of variables, for a better understanding, you might try searching the archives at the TDPRI site


in brief, the 3-saddle vintage bridge will not intonate properly with a standard-gauge string set--the compensated saddles address this issue (i'm not sure if that photo you posted is truly compensated--it appears that the angles aren't correct, but anyway)


the 3-saddle bridge can have various metal barrels, which will increase or decrease the 'twang'...but in general, the traditional tele twang is from the 3-saddle bridge...there are varying positions on the 6-saddle vintage type, and i haven't played one enough to have an informed opinion


good luck:)

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the basic difference in preference comes from this: there are vintage purists who will cliam that the traditional 3 saddle is the way to go, but many techs finds these harder to get set right- hence the development of the 6 individual saddles, which are more or less standard these days. May I recommend the graphtech saddles either way (they may 3 saddle and 6) they help fight string breakage.


and oh yeah there are a select few (me included) who claim that the top-loader bridge is supreme... I know there was at least one or two years (experts plz) maybe late 50s prolly early 60s that used toploaders or at least they were an option.

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