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fruity loops, i keep having a go but im still pants!


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the outcome of my latest go on fruity loops, recorded using my ibanez sz with 2x emg 81's tuned to drop C, GT8 into line in. i dont go on it much cos im crap at it and it pisses me off, i need some constructive critisism to help me get better, what ever i do on it ends up sounding really rough round the edges, also how do i go about recording bass without a bass guitar!? cheers.




(its the top one)

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That {censored} is nice. You should go back in and dial in the drums a little, though. Use the velocity editor and the pitch editor to make them sound a little more "authentic" unless you're going for the programmed, KMFDM / Chimaira sound.

Also, some of your loops can be cleaned up here and there.

When I use fruity, I typically get everything the way I want it and then export track by track to a sequencer to really get everything sounding right.

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thanks man, i messed with the drums till i could get them sounding more authentic but the longer i mess the more i get pissed off with it lol how do you record bass in without a bass guitar? also what do u think of the sound of the guitar?

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Dude, just buy a friggin' $100 sx from Rondo. :D

If not, you can always play the Bass parts on your guitar and pitch shift them in an audio editor. It doesn't sound like a Bass, per se, but it will fill out the bottom end on guitar oriented music.

I used to track my bass parts with one of these which does a fair job at pitch shifting.

I don't like the sound of the guitar but it doesn't sound bad. For that sound, it actually sounds really good.

I just don't like EMG's. They seem to do too much of the same thing. That's my opinion though. Overall, from a production stand point, this sounds generally pretty good.

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I'll definitely agree with you there. Most of the stuff turned out by the idiots with FL tends to be crap.

Your stuff sounds great though and is an original use of FL instead of making 4 bar hip hop beats or 4-to-the-floor techno garbage.

Keep doin' your thing.

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im also without my index finger at the moment aswell as i trapped it in the front door so im managing the best i can, i would have put some shred in there but i just get frustrated without all my fingers, ive sort of ajusted well enough for rythem though, cant wait for it to heal its doin my head in.

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