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Passive Dynaudio BM5's vs. Active KRK RP6's

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Yes yes y'all,


Aight. I use Dynaudio BM5's w/ a Samson Server 100 pre-amp.

I'm thinking of investing in new monitors.


My dillema:


The acoustics in my room suck. See picture.


I'm going to work on 'fixing' the problems with the acoustics tho. Curtain in front of the wall with the window. Speakersstands. Moving the mixer to exactly the middle of the wall. Couch opposite of speakers.


Now.. someone told me: the Dynaudio BM5's have more detail than the RP6's. My whole PROBLEM with the BM5's is the lack of detail. But.. it could be acoustic-related.


I do hear people saying 'active is better than passive'. Is this fact.


What do u guys think??




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Well I see months have past and you've done nothing that was suggested to you.


Do you think our responses are going to change without you making changes to that horrible setup?


Go back to your original post of a few months ago, read what was suggested to you, and take the suggestions. Your setup could not be worse, and there are tons of ways to easily and inexpensively make it better that have already been suggested to you.

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Hi guys,


Thanx for waking me up.


I was ignorant for asking advice about which monitor would be best while my room's acoustics were terrible.


So this saturday + sunday I've taken action!


Me and my bro hung up curtains. I bought acoustic foam. I bought the material to build my own speaker stands (wood custom cut + sand to fill) that will be the exact height I need. I'm taking out the big closet in my room (spent hours cleaning out the top part, rest is mostly clothes).


I spent hours at the European version of Home Depot.


Yo Where.. thanx for blatantly pointing out my ignorance and procrastination.


I'm going to do what Seaneldon said 'fix everything else.. and then judge'.


And I already know the BM5's can do the job.. I gotta put in the work.


New thread will be up today - with REAL questions.

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