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Agile AL-2000 pick-up


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Originally posted by BowerR64

What do i oil it with? whats good to use, i agree it needs somthing its kinda dry, it feels dry and looks dry upclose. That gives it the light gray kinda look.

This is what I use on all my fretboards. It is designed specifically for instrument fretboards. Great stuff.

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Originally posted by DeClo

My setting are : Bass 7, Treble 6, Mid 0, gain 7.5

My sound is just..not clear. I don't know how to explain it....

i know exactly how to explain it. 'Crap' was the word used earlier, it definitely applies.

has anybody ever mentioned to you yet that the guitar is in fact a midrange instrument? by setting your mids to 0, you have effectively nullified anything toneful that could ever come out of the guitar. :thu: adding lots of gain to things is sort of pointless at best, cuz you're trying to crank up something that really isnt there anymore.

if you want 'heavy, thick' low end, buy a bass. if you want 'scorching treble,' or somesuch, get some hi-hat cymbals. if you want a guitar to sound like a guitar, turn up the mids. simple as that.

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We naturaly hear midrange so the way he sets his EQ could boost the low end a little to thicken it up. Depending on his rig it may sound good like that.

I know my AL2000 is a little thin with a brite midrange top. Compaired to this SG and my steinbergers. It could be the pickup or what ever these strings are. I thought about changing the strings today to some nickel slinky EBs but i wanted to know what the stock strings are first.

Does anyone know what strings they come with stock?

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Originally posted by BowerR64

We naturaly hear midrange so the way he sets his EQ could boost the low end a little to thicken it up. Depending on his rig it may sound good like that....

but it doesnt. mids at zero, gain at 7.5 i'll stand by my diagnosis.

even with awesome strings, awesome pups, and even some skills, its a scenario most likely to sound poor given the amp settings. if settings like that are needed to make an instrument sound 'full' or something akin to that, it sounds like the amp needs servicing.

if the Jackson sounds 'good' at those settings, i'll politely excuse myself, and go find a thread where 'good tone' doesnt involve removal of the guitar from the signal. :freak:

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Whats funny, is i didnt know what amp he had. I first thought it was a marshall but the more he talked about it i started to think peavey because every peavey amp ive ever used has been real honkey and always had to much midrange. Its not that it has to much but it is the wrong frequency of midrange. Its the {censored}ty side of the midrange band that sucks.

Even in their manual they recomend to take the mids out and boost the bass and treble for metal. Ive had a few peaveys and their amp speakers are always cheese. They are always thin and tight. The basket is tight so it requires lots of power and boosted bass just to get some thickness from it. Plus their amp cabnets are to small and to open, that robs the bottom end so you have to scoup the mids just to get it fat.


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