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How many coats??


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So I got my warmoth neck last week and I put 4 coats of minwax wipe on satin poly on it. I lightly buffed with 0000 steel wool after the third coat and went a little bit heavier on th buffing with the 0000 steel wool after the fourth coat.


My questions are: how many coats are required to protect the neck and preserve the warranty? Secondly, with the satin poly, how do you know if you've gone too far with the steel wool?


It still feels like the finish is there all over, but in just the right light, I can see some variation in the finish. The wood was so smooth to begin with, I don't know if I need another coat or so to have it sealed from the environment.

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Originally posted by larryguitar

One good coat of poly is enough to protect the wood.

If you want to see if it's still there after the steel wool, put a drop of water on it-poly will make the water run, bare wood will soak it up.





Wipe the finished area with a little naptha on a rag, that will give it that wet look and accentuate any finish imperfections that are normally hard to see in satin finishes. ( I usually go with five light coates and finish it off with 1500 grit wet sanding, and rubbing compound) . If you see more bad spots or imperfections you might want to go with another couple coates, and sand it down again.


the maple warmoth necks come dipped in a sealer

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