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WAHOO! The Fernands arrived!


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The Sustainer works great...most fun I've had for quite awhile. Very controllable and consistent feedback at less than ear bleed levels. I'm pulling sounds out of this that I never thought I would. I agree with some other people I've read comments from that question why the Sustainer system is not a main-stream guitar add-on. I bought it to play lead with, and the Sustainer (in conjunction with the Floyd Rose) is making a quantum leap in giving me things to say musically when playing lead.


This was one of my very few online guitar purchases and a pretty high risk one: I bought it totally blind: Never touched a Fernandes, never touched a Revolver etc etc. Just got it on reputation and online evals and information.


What a great guitar though. This is also the first Floyd Rose guitar I've owned and it is so good to play with the whammy bar and come back into a tuned guitar.


The finish on the frets is the best I've seen on anything this side of a Parker Fly. And the action/neck came set up well to boot.




I'm taking tomorrow off to really spend some time messing with it.

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