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experience with lite ash Fender strat?


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I saw this nice looking Fender Strat on www.guitartrader.com. It is the only Fender strat I have seen with 22 frets besides the Showmasters that are considerably less expensive than the American Series strats. All I want is a Fender strat with 22 frets. If I could get a MIM standard one with 22 frets that would be superb, because they are so cheap, but they don't sell them with the additional fret. I would get an American, since they are the only other Fender strats with 22 frets but they are $900 to $1000.


I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this guitar. How do you light the lighter weight as opposed to the regular strats? How is the tone. You know stuff like that. Thanks!!!




Here is a pic:


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Lighter? The one I played certainly wasnt lighter than any other strat, heavier actually. Anyways the guitar plays and sounds great. The neck is nice and comfy and the pickups sound awesome. They're kinda hot so I rolled the volume down while doing some more softer stuff but its definately a great guitar. Can do all genres rather well.

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Cool. Well I guess I'll settle on this guitar. Its too bad I can't get one of those $399 Standard Strats with 22 frets. I would buy one and simply put a 22 fret neck on it, but that means I'd have to buy a Mighty Mite neck with no Fender logo. OR I'd have to buy a $120 neck with logo on ebay. It just seems like too much trouble.


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