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Pickup advice for this guitar.


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I bought this in the states.


Coil tap on the bridge pickup, curently, hot rails (bridges, and vintage rails).


I'd like a chimy single coil sound int he neck, and the vintage rails do that well for me, but in the bridge the Hot Rials has too much gain and lacks "warmth" - think P-90 in both single and bucking modes.


I'd like a bridge pickup that works with the neck, and splits to give a warm, crunchy tele cound - advice?

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I'm bumping this.

I've seen the Danny Gatton Tele, which has two Joe bardens - might this be a good setup for my guitar?

Maple Capped Basswood is the construction.

What I'm most interested in is the bridge - anyone know of a good Strat-size bridge pickup, that would give a nice tele twang when split, and a something like a Custom 5 sound when both coils are on? (Feel free to suggest a single coil, though.)

Even bettter if I could give a good in-between sound when combined with the neck pickup - either split or not.

I'd like it to work volume-wise wih the vintage rails in the neck,

To my knowledge, no one makes a p-90 in a strat pickup shape, but that might be ideal.


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