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anyone tried selling their gear, lately??


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the guitar i had up was top shelf (over $2k) and the bass was 300... the bass got quite a few bites, the guitar just seemed to be out of price-range...


i know there's a lot of things going on... location, make, model and price. out here, a high-end shred guitar, it's like you can't give it away... but, ditch something that 3-400 range, and looks JUST like a LP... pretty much gets you a live one right away.


my feeling is that i woulda' had more luck 1-2yrs ago selling this same stuff... any way it's sliced, i'm keeping both items and that might be for the best: less exciting, but probably best.

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Originally posted by mikindan


Not sure what your trying to say.

Are you saying that their buying right now because they expected to get refunds, but now they are not going to get them?

How exactly do you know about the number of refunds changing for this year, as compared to previous years?


what I'm saying is, that in times past, folks that are not "burdened" with the bills that come with families, USUALLY get refunds and therefore tend to spend them on non-neccessary luxury items such as musical gear.


and I was also "commenting" that it seems that this year, that although that "pattern" has held true, it seems that there are a lower number of folks buying stuff.. based on my sales numbers only of course, which can vary greatly from year to year.


I have no idea where you came up with your conclusions. and now I'm afraid you have cost me some IQ points. darn!:freak:

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Bruce Bennett.


Hey, I didn't mean to cost you any IQ points.


I just wasn't sure what you were trying to say.


After reading your last post, I understand what you were talking about.



Originally posted by Bruce Bennett

it seems that there are a lower number of folks buying stuff.. based on my sales numbers only of course



Now I know what information you were using to come to your conclusion.


At first, I thought that maybe you worked for the IRS or something, and had some "inside" information that we didn't know about.


If anything, I'll be the one losing IQ points on this thread, not you.

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I bought shrewdly and bought at the right time, I have recently bought some very inexpensive items (bang for the buck) but these are items that will be used as secondary stuff, new off brand 350 watt per channel power amp for 200, I won't be gigging with it so reliablility is not a huge issue, studiomaster rack mount board for home use, like the amp is secondary, cheap 335 copy, not what I wanted but worth what I paid (after working on it, it will do what I need, thanks to Tlbonehead's suggestions) also bought another 335 copy that WILL do the gigging job, so buy cheap the things that are secondary and if you don't sell them, it doesn't really matter. I can go on about the wise buys and not so wise buys I've done, but whether you are buying high end or low end, buy smartly, and at resale time you will be okay

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