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[troll thread]Blues Guitarists have no soul!


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Originally posted by Suspicious Mail

I live in a tiny, picturesque and ivy- grown cottage located just behind your left ear.

Now go get naked at the airport.


I was gonna do that... tomorrow!

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my point is that the Johnson's (no relation) sold their soul to the devil! but not on the same time, but prolly on the same crossroads. The same one Ralph Macchio and Willie Brown meet Legba and are taken to the duel with the insane shredder Jack Butler (No soul either)!

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Originally posted by LouRed

All my base are belong to you?








my point is that the Johnson's (no relation) sold their soul to the devil! but not on the same time, but prolly on the same crossroads. The same one Ralph Macchio and Willie Brown meet Legba and are taken to the duel with the insane shredder Jack Butler (No soul either)!




This is entirely too far to go for a pun of that magnitude. You've wasted your time on this, when you could've been waving an entirely different Johnson at hapless travellers.


And you call yourself a troll...

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Originally posted by LouRed

Neithr Tommy nor Robert Johnson had soul! the definitive proof that blues is not a soul-thing! Can it be actually true that shredders have soul?

Oh I get it now. OK. So they HAD soul, then they sold it to the devil...:D clever.


Hey, maybe they pulled a fast one on satan...sold him their soles...off their shoes. That's a blues diddy right there.:idea:


*slaps knee* lol







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Originally posted by Suspicious Mail

This is entirely too far to go for a pun of that magnitude. You've wasted your time on this, when you could've been waving an entirely different Johnson at hapless travellers.

And you call yourself a troll...


Then I guess you have never seen Crossroads. Rent it, it's good! (but not the one with britney, that one sux)

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