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Opinions on Wrap-Around tail pieces ?


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I played one of the new LP Juniors the other day and was really impressed with how it felt, played, and sounded.


This was the first guitar I'd ever played that had a wrap-around on it and I thought that piece had aloth to do with the guitar's sound and feel. It just seemed that the notes sounded bigger and rounder.


Anyone else have this experiance or amd I reading too much into it?

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Wrap tails are the sheite!!


They have a different attack with more sting, better sustain and are just stoopid simple!

There is just less loss then a standard ABR

Get one, you will not be dissapointed and don't sweat the intonation, I've yet to hear a wraptail owner complain about it, myself included.



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Originally posted by Gravity

I played one of the new LP Juniors the other day and was really impressed with how it felt, played, and sounded.

This was the first guitar I'd ever played that had a wrap-around on it and
I thought that piece had aloth to do with the guitar's sound and feel. It just seemed that the notes sounded bigger and rounder.

Anyone else have this experiance or amd I reading too much into it?


Exactly :thu: . Best bridge ever in my book (I have 3 SG jr 1 Gordon-Smith and one Pete Townshend Sig with wraparounds bridges, and I'm looking for a R4 LP :cool: ).

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