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Deluxe Players Strat


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Well, just got a new Deluxe Players Strat in the honey blond. I have mixed fellings about this ax for right now. The looks are killer and it actually stays in tune fairly well, even after yanking on the trem. The fret board and neck were made for me as I got small hands plus I've always been a Gibson player. So the 12" radius and thinner profile work just great. But the tone..........not to sure about it right now. It has those vintage noiseless pu's and they sound, well, enemic. The two strats I've owned before were from the 70's and they had much more punch. These noiseless pu's don't sound real bad, I'd just like to have more sizzle and presense. I'd consider changing the pu's out for something else but what? I'd still want the single coil strat tone just more of it. As it is, it sounds wimpy in my blackface princeton unless I'm using my Keely- modded Tube Screamer. It does sound acceptable through my vintage Marshall but I'd rather not have to lug that around to jams. So, any suggestions for replacements? Thanks to all!

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I got the del. player last year& just got 3 gibsons& after trying the del. player it sounded anemic,didnt use it as much until a few days ago I decided to raise the pups( on a squire as well)& sure enuff it made a big difference,the guys at the fender forum had a post goin about mex. strats & low pups,prior to that I was gonna change the pups,give it a shot its free.

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What was the neck profile on it? I picked one up that had a peculiar assymetrical neck shape like a wolfgang, other players thought so too of that sarme guitar. Another I've picked up was C shaped and I believe Fender lists it as a C shape as well on their website.

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I have a Deluxe players strat and I grew tired of the sound of the noiseless pickups. So I didnt play it so much. :(
Then I decided to change the pickups, and bought a set of fender custom shop 54....... And what a change in tone! :eek::eek:
Now It gets played the most. :D
custom shop 54s sounds sweeter than texas special IMO.

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Originally posted by Emanon

What was the neck profile on it? I picked one up that had a peculiar assymetrical neck shape like a wolfgang, other players thought so too of that same guitar. Another I've picked up were C shaped and I believe Fender lists it as a C shape as well on their website.



It's a 12 in radius modern C shape.... shouldnt be asymmetrical to my knowledge. I played one last night and while I think it sounds great esp. through a nice fender tube- the dynamics and subtleties of a true single coil just arent there.

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It all depends on the sound you want. I love my Players Deluxe. It's sweet and crystalline and that's what I want it to do. With a little OD, smoky bluesy. I can get it to overdrive pretty hot too.

If I want to balls out rock, I grab my Squier 51 or Schecter Banshee!

I love the vintage noiseless.

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I have been thinking about a DP recently. I want the 12" FB.
Could you guys that own one do me a favor.
And this is not a shameless plug..honest. Go to my website in the sig and listen to our tunes and tell me if the DP with the VN pups can get me that amount of gain or maybe even a little more.

The tracks were recorded with a Tele into a TSL602


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I can't say I have had any issues with my Deluxe.
It sounded just the way I expected it to. I was more amazed that it was a Mexi.
I can't fault it at all. Well the frets could have been dressed a little better but ehhh.
I love the neck.
As far as I know it isn't a compound radius. It should be 12 all the way down.

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