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Suggestion for Phil..ultimate NEWB equipment sticky

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I see a ton of threads from newbs (like myself) to recording that repeat the same requests for help in deciding on which equipment to buy in three categories..


Mics, Monitors, Interfaces.


All of these seem to have one thing in common..budget and versatility and good quality reproduction for the buck. Versatility being huge, at least for me.


Wanting a small bag of mics that will be versatile enough to record a basic rock setup..guitar, bass, drums etc.


Lower end mics that will be useful for:


-vocals, overheads, stringed acoustics

-guitar amps, drums etc

-bass, kick drums etc


The monitor thing is probably more difficult..after reading a ton here on monitors it gets pretty tough to gain a reference for what's really good, subjective stuff, room variations...ear size and what's stuck inside those ears (i have an m&m in my left to kill the snare, can't get it out)



Wondering if there's any way to make a sticky that would accomodate a targeted set of products that fit the bill. It might save Phil from having to re-hash his answers over and over.

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