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My strap pins keep coming loose, what's the best way to remedy this?

Lloyd Rummell

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Originally posted by Lloyd Rummell

The strap pins on My electric guitar keep coming loose, what's the best way to fix this.

Here's what I did:
take out the screws
if you have tooth picks, break off some splinters and put them in the hole and then squeeze in about 2-3 drops of Duco Cement.
the Duco cement is alot like super glue only thicker, put Your strap pins in and tighten them up and You should be set.
I did this and have had no problems.
It's suppose to dry in about 15 minutes but I let mine dry overnight to make sure.:D

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I take wooden matchsticks, dip them in Elmer's Carpenter's Glue (aliphatic resin), insert it into the screw hole, and screw the strap button down tight. The glue is absorbed into the matchstick, since it's more porous than the toothpicks people here have mentioned. After drying overnight, the resin glue has soaked into both the matchstick and body under pressure from the screw, and you have as tight a glue joint as there is, with no gaps along the entire screw thread to allow it to work loose. A screwdriver and some effort will still get it out, but I've never needed to touch it after that, myself. Solid, permanent, and cheap.

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