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Rust on my pickups - please help with some TLC


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I was wondering if anyone would offer advice on what to do about some rust on my pickups. I'm not too sure where to begin.


I've attached some pictures of the guitar. It's a '95 Mexican Fender Strat. I replaced the bridge pickup with a SD little '59. All three pickups are rusted. I'm not "too" concerned with the looks, mainly I want to ward off any problems down the road so I can keep on rockin.


There are rusted screws on the pickguard but I'm hoping I can just replace those easily by going to Home Depot.


Any advice is very much appreciated!!





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Thanks for the reply! I will have to look for that stuff.

Do you know if it would it cause damage down the road if it kept rusting? Or am I pretty safe.

I also notice some crackling when adjusting the tone and volume controls. Could this be related, or a similar problem somewhere else? I've been playing a while, but I don't really know anything about the electronics. I'm willing to learn though if anyone has any useful links!

Thanks again

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Have you looked inside the pickguard?
Scratchy pots are usually due to dust rather than corrosion. A shot of Deoxit inside the housing of each post shoul clean them nicely.

The amount of corrosion you show is minimal. You should look at some authentic vintage Strats for comparison.

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If you remove the screws you can take the rust off with 0000 steel wool.Use a scotchbrite pad or synthetic wool on the pole pieces,works on the screws as well.Note-Don't use real steel wool on the pickups as it can cause problems.I couldn't see your pic so it may not be worth the trouble.

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