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Seymour Duncan 59' (In Bridge)


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Originally posted by jackson soloist usa

when used with a single in the middle i thought the CC had a very strat like tone:thu:

its one coil is at 7K making it a great split tone



Mine didn't sound so hot split... it was in the bridge though.

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Originally posted by GAS Man

I'll experiment with that volume control tonight.

That guitar is one of several I play in rotation. I tossed out the Duncan Designed (JB copy) and put in the CC.

I'm far from the greatest guitar player, but my "bag-o-riffs" does contain the major part of "Ain't Talkin Bout Love", and when I play that Am progression, I'm getting a better understanding of what the CC is about.

Yup, when I put it in and played the first few bars of "Mean Street" I was blown away!

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Originally posted by GAS Man

I have two guitars with an SD '59 in the neck and I"m not impressed. I find their tone to be a hair muddy and bland.

I think that will actually make it a better pickup for the bridge!



I couldnt disagree more

they are just dead in the bridge

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Originally posted by No Soul

I couldnt disagree more

they are just dead in the bridge

for me this 'deadness ' has helped me a bit. And I have greater note clarity. Its allowed me to pleasure myself :rolleyes: with volume, and yet not blow out my bandmate's eardrums.

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I just want an unfocused, "loose" pickup with pretty/jangly cleans, is that too much to ask? :cry:

59 might be it, but I think I'm going to have to try a few different pups. Definitely looking for something that is more low output right now. :freak:

I already have guitars with high output pups, I'm looking for something else obviously. :) With distortion I'm hoping for the wide/loose/grainy tone rather than the focused tight tone.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll eventually find it. :thu: Thanks for all the help with the 59, it still sounds like one of the things I need to try. :)

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Originally posted by jackson soloist usa

yep and on another kramer he used a custom-custom:thu:

the 59 is a dupe of the gibson paf from 59

it does a perfect VH tone

clips courtesy of VHOHOLIC



that sounds exactly like kramer era van halen. what guitar is that?


I'm not sure if he used a custom custom. i don't dig the CC coz it kinda lacks bass.

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this is the mosy versatile pup you will EVER find.

you can play ANY style of music and it will do them well!!

i have been using them in the bridge for over 20 years.

and they work great as a neck pup but they were not
strictly designed for the neck like the duncan jazz is.

they ARE a bridge pup.

you won't be dissapoited.

take the nay sayers with t agrain of salt. your amp, your
guitar [worked in every guitar i ever owned] your pedals
your eq, all play a part.

but the 59 gives you exactly what you put in it and out
of it.

can't say enough about the duncan vintage 59!!!!

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Originally posted by street survivor


this is the mosy versatile pup you will EVER find.

you can play ANY style of music and it will do them well!!

i have been using them in the bridge for over 20 years.

and they work great as a neck pup but they were not

strictly designed for the neck like the duncan jazz is.

they ARE a bridge pup.

you won't be dissapoited.

take the nay sayers with t agrain of salt. your amp, your

guitar [worked in every guitar i ever owned] your pedals

your eq, all play a part.

but the 59 gives you exactly what you put in it and out

of it.

can't say enough about the duncan vintage 59!!!!

Yeah... I need to give it a try, honestly. :)

My only hesitation is the fact that I want to put it into an alder guitar (talman solidbody), and I fear it will end up just being icepick tones. Jangly/twangy is good... Shrieky is not. :freak: The guitar currently has a stock Ibanez V8 that is Nickel covered. Surprisingly, a nickel covered V8 doesn't sound as horrible as the open V8's I've played on other axe's, but I would still feel more comfortable having quality pickup in there since it's my favorite guitar. For a humbucker, I find that the V8 hums like hell and feedsback, regardless of the acceptable tones I've gotten out of it. One thing that interests me about the 59 is that I assumed that it would also retain the guitar's "natural" tone, which it has plenty of.

I can definitely hear the VH tones in all those clips, though. Cool stuff. I'm more looking for tones like The Cure's latest album, and also Boris, both of which pointed me in a 59' direction. Then there's part of me that thinks I should be punk rock and stick with the stock pups. :mad:

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Originally posted by Alanfc

for me this 'deadness ' has helped me a bit. And I have greater note clarity. Its allowed me to pleasure myself
with volume, and yet not blow out my bandmate's eardrums.

Klisk, fyi my Strat is Alder :wave:

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Originally posted by Klisk

Ah! I should of realized that right away.

So can you debunk that it will be too bright, or what?

well umm no I can't take that responsibility,
a teckie I am not...


I can tell you my JB JR. was squawky muddy and harsh in there, My full size Custom Custom which sounded fantastic in my Poplar Carvin instead sounded like mud in there.
But my current Lil 59 (reportedly the most similar to its big brother of all the LIL series) is sweet!
But I'm into an early 80's Alex Liefson-ish type of tone these days.

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Originally posted by Alanfc

well umm no I can't take that responsibility,

a teckie I am not...


I can tell you my JB JR. was squawky muddy and harsh in there, My full size Custom Custom which sounded fantastic in my Poplar Carvin instead sounded like mud in there.

But my current Lil 59 (reportedly the most similar to its big brother of all the LIL series) is sweet!

But I'm into an early 80's Alex Liefson-ish type of tone these days.

I think I'm going to bite on it. :wave: Worse that can happen is I decide to resell it, right? ;)

I've had a JB and agree with your sentiments about it being too harsh, especially. So perhaps I'll agree about the 59' too. We'll see. :thu:


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Originally posted by Klisk

I think I'm going to bite on it.
Worse that can happen is I decide to resell it, right?

I've had a JB and agree with your sentiments about it being too harsh, especially. So perhaps I'll agree about the 59' too. We'll see.


beware, I use an OD pedal upfront,
for pushing the preamp but also as a sort of compressor. This may color my opinion of the '59

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Originally posted by Alanfc

beware, I use an OD pedal upfront,

for pushing the preamp but also as a sort of compressor. This may color my opinion of the '59

Noted. ;) I'm still willing to try it out, though, I have a bit of confidence I'll like it.

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It's a great pickup to have in the bridge position. I was going to go for the seth lover, but wondered if it would squeal without the wax potting? But the 59 is more than good enough for me....
I have it raised slightly higher than the neck so it gives a more rockier sound and the neck is mellower. Played through a Marshall you can get all those classic sounds!

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I've got a 59 in the bridge of one of my jacksons, and can I just say that it sound f@@king great!

plugged into a laney 30 watt tube amp, I am able to get sabbath, zeppelin and a very good early van halen sound. A very versatile pickup, cleans up nice too.

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...if you are not looking for high output, I would go with the '59 in the bridge pos.

I agree that they are very versatile. For me it depends how the preamp & eq are set, and how I drive my amp. I can get several different clean sounds (including jangly) to a more than passable Metallica rhythm crunch ...out of my Yamaha hollow body with old Gibson PAF (neck) and SD '59 pups.

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