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Grestchs n Bigsbys

Ratae Corieltauvorum

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OK, I think I'm gonna sell summat and get an Electromatic Pro Jet.......probably like the Bigsby, but a few people have said not to buy th emodel with the "horse-shoe" model already fitted, but to go for the non trem model and retro fit a B3 type.......that way you start off without the trem and if you feel the need you end up with the better trem.....does that sound like good advice?

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Originally posted by Fosse Fox

I know zip about Bigsbys...anywhere that gives a run down on them?



the bigsby website



B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-7 are the American ones, everything else is an import




and the b-5 is the horseshoe one btw :wave:

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Originally posted by hondro

the bigsby website

B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-7 are the American ones, everything else is an import

and the b-5 is the horseshoe one btw


First place I looked........b3, 5, 6, 7...straightforward, then they do a 30, 50, 60, 70, but don't say the difference....longer?, for bigger bodies? then theres an 11 and 12, no explanation, while obviously the 16 is a Tele model, and then a 500 and 700 as well....pretty sparse info.....gotta be varying lengths I would have thought.

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Originally posted by Fosse Fox

First place I looked........b3, 5, 6, 7...straightforward, then they do a 30, 50, 60, 70, but don't say the difference....longer?, for bigger bodies? then theres an 11 and 12, no explanation, while obviously the 16 is a Tele model, and then a 500 and 700 as well....pretty sparse info.....gotta be varying lengths I would have thought.




yeah, I forgot the tele models, those are MIA too



but the ones with 0's are imports, same as the others, just made in china

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i've been playing a guitar with a "cheap imort" as my main for about 2 years now. it's not even a "Bigsby"--just a no-name.


in my experience tuning stability has less to do w/ the Bigsby and more to do with the hardware and setup. i have locking tuners, a graphite nut with a zero fret, and a roller bridge and have to tuning problems.

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I have a B6 on my Gretsch 6120 and a B7 on my Elliot Easton.


I owned a DeArmond Starfire for a few years, and I installed a B70 (import) on that guitar.


To be honest, I could not tell any difference between the import and the US made units. Other than the logo, they looked, felt, and sounded identical.


Personally, I could not see spending big bucks on a trem for a cheap import guitar. On the other hand, if I were to install one on my Gibson ES-335, I would spring for the US made unit.


Bigsbys require a careful setup and I coat all of the moving parts with vaseline once a year. They can be made to work quite well and the guitar will stay in tune.


Don't waste your money on a roller bridge. They rattle and don't work very well. Stick to a standard ABR, but lube the strings notches frequently.

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Originally posted by glockdoc

Try a Special Jet before buying a Pro Jet. The Special Jet's Dearmond 2000 pickups are universally acclaimed at Gretschpages.com. I don't know if you can put a Bigsby on a Special Jet though.



Yes, I sptted these a few weeks ago, but rejected it on the grounds that its not a carved top, which is really the requirement....to be blatantly honest I'm looking for the Duo Jet look, but at a price I can afford at the moment. The Special Jet would definitely be the best player out of the box, but as I have a set of Dearmonds in my drawer, the Pro Jet would be more suitable, as its a carved top and ready to recieve a Bigsby and my own pups?

But thanks for the reminder....love that wrapround bridge too.

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