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Warpig vs. Duncan Livewire metal


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a SINGLE BKP Warpig pup is 115GBP(prices from their own webshop), which equals TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN US DOLLARS!!!!



:eek: I'm sorry... but that's complete bull{censored}. I don't give a rip what it sounds like, there's NO WAY a pickup should cost that much. It ain't made of {censored}in' gold, for chrissakes! :freak: It just seems to be a copy of a Seymour Duncan Invader, with an ugly ass cover...




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Before you check out those expensive pickups, give a mighty mite motherbucker a shot. You can find them for about $25.


I would describe them as very high output, crunchy, midway between loose and tight, and with a rounded high range. Pinch harmonics come through very easily with them.

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Originally posted by blackmoreisgod

a SINGLE BKP Warpig pup is 115GBP(prices from their own webshop), which equals TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN US DOLLARS!!!!


I'm sorry... but that's complete bull{censored}. I don't give a rip what it sounds like, there's NO WAY a pickup should cost that much. It ain't made of {censored}in'
, for chrissakes!
It just seems to be a copy of a Seymour Duncan Invader, with an ugly ass cover...


You have to put it in context in fairness - virtually everything guitar related is more expensive here in Britain, and in reality that's a reasonable price for a handmade pickup. My brother checked BK out a few months back, and he said that the owner was a great guy (he even responds personally on their forum). I also think the Warpig is available without that cover anyway. Even so, I'd go with the 'Stormy Monday', because metal sucks! :thu:

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Also, as having bought whilst living in US and now UK can say, for US purchase 17.5% is auto deducted for the UK tax.

And as for no pickup is worth yadda yadda yadda, alot of things don't seem worth, unless you a.try em and or b. can afford them

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Originally posted by Dakine

And as for no pickup is worth yadda yadda yadda, alot of things don't seem worth, unless you a.try em and or b. can afford them



yeah, you keep telling yourself that...


the parts on a pickup MIGHT run about $10 or $15 at MOST, so even after adding labor, that's a butt-raping, no doubt about it...


but you do what you want.

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Read my sig


Lets see, cottage industry,persoanl touch,owner talking to client,handmade,no quibble return/re-wire,lifetime gaurantee,attention to detail etc.

Handmade aint cheap.

Look at any custom guitar.

NOT saying buy em, but AM saying IMO well worth it.

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Originally posted by Dakine

Read my sig


Lets see, cottage industry,persoanl touch,owner talking to client,handmade,no quibble return/re-wire,lifetime gaurantee,attention to detail etc.

Handmade aint cheap.

Look at any custom guitar.

NOT saying buy em, but AM saying IMO well worth it.



no offense meant - variety is what makes music fun! If we all played the same stuff, it'd get boring real quick!


*shakes hands*

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None taken (offence).

Just some 'handmade' (Tim hand winds all his pups) is not cheap way out.

Also, having lived in US MANY a Brit is jealous of US prices.

Now, as BKP is UK and the $ is way low to pound they must look costly.

Sucks in this scenario really, but can't have it all :)

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Originally posted by fwaxestrat

thanx ill give the mighty mite a try.Yea i found the bk warpig 180 bux shipped in california my guitarist has a nailbomb and sounds really good.But im afraid it may be to dry sounding


I think it might be dry sounding because of the mid hump and the way I dial my uber in bro... nice to see you here :thu:


Hey blackmore, I am one that normally would agree with what you said, but I won some money at a casino and bought the SG I have at a ridiculous price so I decided "why not!?" and bought the Nailbomb


I'm gonna sound like a salesman, but dude you gotta try it before you can say anything... I have never heard a pup sound like this, it is so damn pissed off it makes me laugh sometimes... if you are looking for a liquidy smooth lead tone, look elsewhere, this thing has so much grind it's ridiculous :love:

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Originally posted by blackmoreisgod

a SINGLE BKP Warpig pup is 115GBP(prices from their own webshop), which equals TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN US DOLLARS!!!!


I'm sorry... but that's complete bull{censored}. I don't give a rip what it sounds like, there's NO WAY a pickup should cost that much. It ain't made of {censored}in'
, for chrissakes!
It just seems to be a copy of a Seymour Duncan Invader, with an ugly ass cover...



an Emg 81 here will set u back about

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You guys talked my other guitarist into that Mother Bucker... I was quite the skeptic, but I gotta say I'm impressed. Hot as hell, crunchy as expected, and insanely defined.


I guess it does funny things to his TSL tho. I figured he'd be more excited about it, but he still kinda seems like he wants his warpig. Says I have to hear it to understand.


We'll see, probably too much gain or presence. That amp is so hard to keep from dialing in visually, I can't blame him. People bash TSL's a lot here, but if you spend time with them and figure out that good sounding settings are gonna look retarded, you can get great tones.

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Originally posted by blackmoreisgod

a SINGLE BKP Warpig pup is 115GBP(prices from their own webshop), which equals TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN US DOLLARS!!!!


I'm sorry... but that's complete bull{censored}. I don't give a rip what it sounds like, there's NO WAY a pickup should cost that much. It ain't made of {censored}in'
, for chrissakes!
It just seems to be a copy of a Seymour Duncan Invader, with an ugly ass cover...


You're joking, right? They are nothing like SD's, which have a horrible sound anyway (from my experience they all have a weird kinda tone I cant explain). Dont knock it till you've tried it as they say, really worth the money.


Everything Dakine has said is spot on :thu:

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