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trying to relieve weight


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Originally posted by exhaust_49

I'll get an answer if I post at the lp forum. I getting sick of all the jokes here.



so why the hell did you need to tell us that?


If you want lighter tuners, USE lighter tuners.


I dont go for my wrench when I need to hammer something....

unless I cant find my hammer,,,

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Originally posted by exhaust_49

Does anyone have a serious responce?



There is a company who make serious tuners with ebony buttons that look really nice, I think they are fitted to Huber and possibly a few acoustic brands.


Peavey used to do some sweet looking ones too, that the buttons were hollow hoops.


Sorry I am not being more helpful but this is all from memory.

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Originally posted by exhaust_49

Does anyone have a serious responce?




The most logical place to save wt is the thickness of the body ,,, if that isnt an option. You start cutting wt every place you can. I question if i would go with lower quality tuners to save wt .. tuners are a pretty important part on a guitar..... Make a laundry list of have to have and the places where you can supstitute lighter options ...... Everything adds up ... from the finish you spray on to every screw.....and piece of hardware. A les paul is a pretty heavy plank......thats a given. My best advice is to get a very accurate set of scales and A/ B the wt on everything that you hang on the guitar.... and go with the lightest option that fits into your design... the balance of a guitar is as impotant as the wt ..... rat

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If you are building an LP you shouldn't have to worry about the weight of the tuners, the body is where the weight is.

Chambering the body before you glue-on the cap or adding weight relief holes will help. If the body is already finished you can carefully remove the binding and plane the back off the guitar, strategically remove some of the weight, re-laminate the back, glue the binding back on and finish it to match the original finish perfectly! It's that simple.

However it might be cheaper and more beneficial to you to invest in a health club memebership and build your fortitude.

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A few ounces of headstock/tuner weight can make or break neck dive on some guitars (SGs).

A typical LP won't have neck dive, because a heavy body balances it out. A few ounces set a few feet down the neck away from the center of gravity can make or break neck dive in an SG or similar.

In answer to your question: (although it's been like 6mos since you answered it so this is just here for good measure)

On my cheap chinese guitar I replaced the cheap 6.6oz metal tuner set with a 3.6 oz uncovered (and even cheaper) white plastic tuner set. It sounds like if your's are 11oz as a set I'd guess a good set of plastic keyed tuners would weigh 5-6 oz.

Good Luck.

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