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EMG 60 v. EMG 85-------My Comparison


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I just changed the neck pickup in my ESP Eclipse to and 85 in place of a 60. First off, the 85 is louder. Before when I changed to the 85 my noise level would drop when I went to the neck pickup. The 85 is smoother and has more bottom end. The 60 is smooth, but has a more peircing sound on the high frets. I recorded the same track with identicle variables to compare. The 60 is great, but I like the 85 better. I like it when I make runs from the low frets to the higher frets to get that thumping sound. The 60 might cut through a little better, but ??? Overall they are both great. If you need a little more bass response and warmth then go for the 85---if you want a cleaner sound go for the 60. They are both simular and different at the same time. I tried soft stuff with the 85 also and liked it better for it's warmth and smoothness.


Hope this can help somebody:thu:

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