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Sanding down the neck of a 57 gold top les paul


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ahoy! I've been offered a 57 gold top les paul 2004, it's virtually brand new. It sounds amazing, i think better than a standard les paul, it's got a real open woody sound if that doesn't sound too snoby, sounds kind of hollow but massive at the same time. It's only a little bit more expensive than a used standard, i just think the neck is far too fat. It felt a bit uncomfortable for some chords, is it possible to have the neck reshaped? how much would this cost? It'd like it be just a little fatter than a 60's style neck, if this was possible i'd buy the les paul straight away!

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Hah why would it be a sin? It's only a guitar! Not like it's a real 57 it's just a great sounding les paul, that i feel has a neck too big to be practicle.

rynat, do you know how expensive? hah i don't care if it's a tedious task i'm not going to be doing it! I can get the guitar for

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I think I remember someone onthe LP forums saying it cost $400 for a neck shave.

I had an R7 and loved that guitar. All historics have slightly different neck carves. I liked the fatter R7 neck after I played it for a while, If you love this R7 see if you begin to like the carve after you play it for a while, if not sell it or shave it. Or find an nice G0/R0 which has the slimmest neck of the historics.

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