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which new sg is closest to my old 60' sg/lp?

whit townsend

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One of the very first ones produced.

Getting rid of it was prob the stupidest thing I've ever done.


Black. Trapezoid inlays. 2 p90s, thin, very fast neck.

Someone had changed out the tailpiece for a wrap around Badass, and the intonation was never quite right on the low E, one of the reasons I sold it. Also back in 81' I was big into country, and it would not get a good country tone. too much dirt, even thru the little princeton I had. But it was hands down the baddest rock guitar I've ever owned.


I sure would like another one like it.

SG experts, which new one, epi or gibson, would come the closet to it? I want the fast eary 60s thin neck, I could intall p90s if I had to.


edit: tune o matic tailpiece, not interrested in the trim version.

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