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REVERT TO LAST SAVED VERSION: a blessing? or a curse?


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Oh my I have been doing KICK DROM beats. and it's LEFT KICK drom beats. not right hand kick drom .

right clicking with the mouse drawing in beat after beat after for hours and days then I made a mistake somehow and got off beat by a fraction which threw ever-ting into a tiz-wuz and i threw up me honds and hit LAST SAVED VERSION! oh my gosh.

and i began anew. it's going much quicker now anyhoo.

it'll still be days before i am done with this tune.

It's a VERSION of bobby D.s LIKE A ROLLING STONE. I redid the lyrics a bit to make it my tune in a sense. I OWN that tune. in a manner of speaking.

So i'm doing it , getting it done tryin' to "get it in the can and i hit LAST SAVED VERSION a lot.

Thanks CUBASIS. ahahha!

thanks for lettink' me share.

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Well, I sometimes save different "working" versions of songs so at least I can get back to someting solid (in case of a meltdown- hasn't happened in years...). But as a rule, saving as you go is a safe bet- then if everything freaks out you can revert back and you're not re-inventing the wheel.

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I do it like TBush.

Most saved files now a days tend to be pretty small (if they don't include full wavs or massive amounts of data) so I just save the session as as "v01", "v02", "v03" etc. every so often as I go. Particularly towards the end when it's getting down to really fine tuning.

That way if something goes horribly wrong during a recent save I can go back and pull up a previous version that contains 90%-95% of what I was working on and start over with the last element I was working on.

Its saved my ass more than once.

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hey hey!


yeah i save a lot but sometimes i fergit and I'll need to REVERT to last saved version.

I got the droms mostly finished now.

I'm still tweakin' 'em a bit. an out of place beat here and there yet they pretty much finished.

yeenhaw! only took three weeks! hahaha! . .

now I gotta redo all the guitars and vocals.


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