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I need help choosing pickups for my Benford Tele/Strat hybrid.


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Alright. So thanks to the help of the forum I have decided to get a Benford customized to my tastes. Strat ash body, ebony fretboard, tele bridge, strat middle pup and humbucker in the neck. I haven't been blessed with access to a wide variety of pickups so I've been looking at things based on reccomendations and site descriptions.


So far what I was thinking was a GFS Hot Lead Alnico Overwound Tele Bridge Pickup, a GFS Boston Blues middle, and either a Dimarzio Humbucker from Hell in the neck or a GFS Vintage '59.


If you have any experience with these I would appreciate your expertise. I particularly could use some help choosing the humbucker. I really don't want a muddy sounding pup but I'm afraid the Humbucker from Hell would be too shrill in an ash guitar.


As always, you guys never fail to give me timely and well thought out advice, so thank you all in advance.

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I cannot comment on the GFS stuff you mentioned, however, I can highly recommend Rio Grande pups:

Bridge: Muy Grande
Middle: Vintage Tall Boy
Neck: Genuine Texas

They work great in that config (I'm assuming a standard 5-way switch?)

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You just named the pickup configuration of my Robin Ranger Pro and pretty much the same guitar (except I have a maple fingerboard). I would stay with a more PAFish humbucker in the neck to even out the volume between the pups and I would go for a fairly hot Tele bridge pup. Since mine is a Robin it came loaded with Rio Grande pups, but I also know those are a touch pricey (I really like the pups though). The GFS Vintage '59 would probably be a good neck pup, or get a SD '59 neck pup. A lot depends on your budget. The neck humbucker in mine, a Rio Grande Genuine Texas, is their take on the PAF type pickup and seems to be a great match for the swamp ash and the two other SC pickups. Not muddy at all, and not shrill at all.

Good luck and keep us posted on what you actually order!

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You just named the pickup configuration of my Robin Ranger Pro and pretty much the same guitar (except I have a maple fingerboard). I would stay with a more PAFish humbucker in the neck to even out the volume between the pups and I would go for a fairly hot Tele bridge pup. Since mine is a Robin it came loaded with Rio Grande pups, but I also know those are a touch pricey (I really like the pups though). The GFS Vintage '59 would probably be a good neck pup, or get a SD '59 neck pup. A lot depends on your budget. The neck humbucker in mine, a Rio Grande Genuine Texas, is their take on the PAF type pickup and seems to be a great match for the swamp ash and the two other SC pickups. Not muddy at all, and not shrill at all.

Good luck and keep us posted on what you actually order!




I noticed you guys both had Robins. Those Robins look pretty sweet. I have been torn between waiting for a Ranger to show up cheap on Ebay or having Benford just build me somethng similar.

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Denver Dave has more time and experience with Robins....I just got my Ranger week before last....but for what it's worth, I've been playing (at) guitar for 35 years, never as a pro, and I'm nothing special, but I'm not afraid to say I've played enough to know what a quality guitar should encompass...and the Robin does it.

It's a handbuilt, well thought out guitar with high-quality parts and it covers a ton of sonic ground. I like everything about it. Finding one "cheap" may be a bit of a chore, but I did see a couple Rangers on Ebay recently for pretty good deals.

I've also seen (never in person) Mr Benford's work, and it appears he also makes a very high quality guitar....I can't see you losing either way!!

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I noticed you guys both had Robins. Those Robins look pretty sweet. I have been torn between waiting for a Ranger to show up cheap on Ebay or having Benford just build me somethng similar.

For awhile there were Rangers and Wranglers showing up on ebay fairly regularly and selling pretty dang cheap (less than $700.00). Not so much lately. You could also watch www.robinlovers.com - they have a Robin for sale board and some good deals on occasion.

But Steve will do a good job for you from everything I have heard and seen about Benford...

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