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What makes Joe Bardens so great?


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Okay, so I've been reading reviews and checking these things out, but I'm not sure I get it. Is Joe Barden's design any different from any other dual-rails-type pickup design? If so, how? If not, why do these cost like 3x as much as any similar pickup?


Of course I should listen with my ears and decide for myself, and some day if I catch a bargain on a used set I might do that, but I'm really not sure I get it. Barden's website is just marketing-speak laced with superlatives, so are all of the reviews.


So what's the big deal?

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Danny Gatton used them and availability has been spotty over the years so they're seen as the 'Holy Grail' of Tele tone due to artist association and scarcity.

They're very good sounding pickups for clean jazz and country and roots rock playing. However, I'm not sure that they're that much better, dollar wise, than other, less expensive, boutique Tele pickups.

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Good answer. I knew the Danny Gatton association, but I guess I didn't fully understand the impact they had on pricing.

Crazy though that they're still like $170 apiece even though they're readily available now. I guess maybe because they're handmade? They don't seem to be special materials- or construction-wise.

Eh, like I said I think I'll get a used strat set someday. Maybe I'll do a head-to-head vs. some dimarzio cruisers or duncan vintage rails or something.

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