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Can it hurt a Peavey C50 212 to run at full throttle ?


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Well, can it ? I mean hurt itself, I know it will hurt anything in front of it and probably kill any bird flying to low ...


I took mine outside on the deck today and tried it at full volume for the first time. I love the crunch it can get on the clean channel with everything maxed out. I would love to use it on my next outdoor gig where the sheer volume of it wont be too destructive...but can it withstand an hour of full volume, uninterrupted use ? The stock speakers sounded like they were gonna blow out...it sounded good, but it sounded as if the speakers were dying a slow and painfull death at the same time...:confused:

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I have a Peavey Classic 50 212. I've wondered what would happen if I played it for an hour flat out.


I *said* I have *WONDERED* what would HAPPEN if I played it FLAT OUT for an HOUR. No, not SOUR, HOUR, ONE HOUR. What are you, {censored}ing HEARING IMPAIRED? Not long-haired, fool, HEARING IMPAIRED. Never mind.

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I doubt that it'll hurt the amp.

However, I've found the sweet spot on them is really around 6, not all the way up. I think they start to get kind of mushy all the way up.

That's just a personal preference though.

If you like that tone, you could always get some kind of attenuator and get pretty damned close to that same tone at non-life-threatening volumes.

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