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My Schecter C-1 Elite is neck heavy


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Then again, so was an old Ibanez of mine until I repositioned the strap button on one of the neck bolts. The Schecter, however, is a set-neck, so that's not an option.


I knew this when buying the guitar, but everything else about it was/is perfect to me. It's not that big of a deal, but if i could fix it, it'd be icing on the cake for me. :thu:

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That's weird. So yours balances perfectly? Maybe it's my strap....I've got a basic nylon Ernie Ball strap. What kinda strap and stuff do you use?



From my experience the c-1 is balanced pretty nicely because it's a basic strat type of body shape. You're problem could be the ernie balls strap. I've used those before and they slip around a bit on my shoulder. Just a suggestion, but I've been using Kepur straps and they stay really firm on my shoulder and never slip. Some guys don't like the feel of Kepur because it's kind of like a rubber band type of material...but I really like it and they are indestructible when paired with a good set of strap locks. Just a suggestion...others may think differently.


Here's the site:



I use the 3 inch one because it seems to slip the least on my shoulder:


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