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Wannabe DJ here What do I buy first.


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Hello, I not a wannabe I don't want to be a DJ,

I just want to learn how to make some cool beats as a hobbie.


I 'am very into electronic's But I no nothing about music equipment.

I want a Hardcore sound like DJ. scorpion/DJ.Venom/Rob Gee

So what do I buy first a Drum machine?


Thank you for your help I been wanting to get into this for awhile but never had the money.I'm going to take it one step at a time

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Sharnrock has the right idea, music production software will be a much better purchase for the budget minded beginner than just about any piece of hardware. It's a simple and much more cost effective way to have the functions of many pieces of hardware all in one spot.


What you really need to do is find out as much as possible about the process of creating electronic music so you can get some idea of how you want to do it. This will help you narrow down which software package will serve you best. There's probably some good information in the computer & software section of this board, or I can guarantee you hours of informative reading at http://www.futureproducers.com/forums/.


You have homework to do, but it's the fun kind.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thank you for the info and the link, Yeah I got a lot to learn.


I Played with programs on the computer before it's ok but I want to no how the pro's do it.

Do they use a Drum machine in there setup? I don't see why I would need turn tables because it's just boom boom boom with some vocals and noise effects.


I just want to throw togather some simple stuff (Hardcore Drum and Bass/Gabber type style).


Would a drum machine and a 4 track do the job?

(and a little bit of compter editing)



Thanks again.

I really appreciate it

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I'd recommend pretty much the same but with the addition of some sort of midi controller preferably a drum pad type one (unless you can play keys and would need that).


I liked Fruity loops for the ease at one point and its still ok in some aspects. Ableton Live is probably a better option if you want to get into this kind of thing. I've recently started using Live for my dj/looping stuff and its pretty good. It's becoming somewhat of the standard for electronic stuff. Fruity Loops is cheaper though.


If you want to be able to actually play notes in you'll need a MIDI controller of some sort. I'd recommend the Korg padKontrol if you want to programing in more rhythmic things. It's got the 4x4 pad setup like an AKAI MPC machine, but it also has an XY pad to control whatever you want (this helps a lot with drum rolls or controlling two parameters of an effect at once). However, if you play piano/keys at all I'd just get a MIDI keyboard controller because you can use that for the rhythmic stuff too.


For what it's worth, I don't play electronic necessarily though I dabble in it. I use turntables, live instrumentation, and MIDI sampling (drums, synths, or whatever) for kind of a turntablism/funk/hip hop/nu-jazz/broken beat kind of thing. Basically I make live beats of whatever sort. For me, I think its pretty nice to be able to play things at times rather than just program them. Maybe for what you're doing it could differ. I don't know, I don't listen to that kind of electronic music much.


I use a couple turntables with an M-Audio Torq setup on the computer, a Korg padKontrol and a MIDI keyboard controlling VST softsynths inside of Ableton Live as well as guitars and other instruments.

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Buy some old Soul & R&B records. listen to the arrangments over and over. Feel the way the songs progress and develope.


Somtimes you have to go backwards to move forward. Then apply the things that stand out to YOU in your own cuts and you will have your own unique style unlike anyones else.


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