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Indoor humidity for winter? Guitar Care


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I have two new Custom Shop Gibson Les Pauls.


This will be the first winter that I own them. I live in Denver and my apartment gets pretty dry during the winter with the furnace running.


To keep the guitars in good shape without causing the case hardware to rust.


What is a good humidity to keep my apartment at?



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Your humidity varies by the outside temperature. As it gets colder outside, you reduce the relative humidity. At the start of winter I keep it around 40% and then watch my windows. If there is condensation on the windows during the day I reduce the humidity by 5% until it goes away. You will normally get a little condensation in the morning and I ignore that.

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Humidifier is a must. You could be comfortable and still have a problem with the wood. My electrics use to shrink from the lack of humidity. I would feel the fret edge's. Years ago I started using a humidifier and now there's no problem.

I've also heard that that pots of water by the heater, and plants help also? I don't know for sure about that, Sounds logical

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