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different fender bodies question


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Hey guys, I am new and just have a quick question about body types. I'm looking into building my own 62 based strat and had a question about different bodies. I know fender has many different RI versions and the fender classic ri also. If i was just getting a plain body and deciding to get different pick ups, bridge and everything else, would there be a big difference in a body from japan, mexico or america? I know usually there are differences from the quality of the neck and electronics, but i have never found much about the difference between bodies, besides the type of wood.



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The finishes, finish thickness, number of pcs used for the body, ect are some of the things that would be dif'.

If it were me I would get an Alderwood body because that is what they used for strats around 62'. I would also get a Fender "licensed" version. That way it would be easier to get a neck that would fit correctly.

Places like Warmoth sell some nice pcs for a decent price in their "showcase" section.

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The finishes, finish thickness, number of pcs used for the body, ect are some of the things that would be dif'.

If it were me I would get an Alder wood body because that is what they used for strats around 62'. I would also get a Fender "licensed" version. That way it would be easier to get a neck that would fit correctly.

Places like Warmoth sell some nice pcs for a decent price in their "showcase" section.

Yeah an alder or swamp ash body from Warmoth should make for a great strat.

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