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Hangover Alleviation

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Here are some things I've found that help


Pre-hydrate during the day if you're going to be drinking that night. Drinking will dehydrate you, and you don't want to give it a head start.


Eat a good meal before you start drinking, or with your first couple of drinks.


Avoid caffeinated drinks - I like Jack and Cokes, but will only have one or 2 as caffeine is also a diuretic and compounds the dehydration problem.


Drink dilute drinks - light beer contains a lot more water per volume of alcohol than does hard liquor, so it helps to slow the dehydration.


Take a break or two while your drinking and have a few glasses of water. I like to take a "half time" break, and just drink water for about an hour.


End the night with about an hour of drinking water.


The next morning-


Eat a little something and get some caffeine - whatever you can tolerate (tea and toast, maybe) then start with the meds. Pepto Bismol is a miracle drug. It'll help with the nausea, heartburn, etc. and get your stomach back on track. Ibuproffin is also good at this point. Keep on drinking water.


As soon as your stomach is stable, get some exercise. You're not going to want to, but if you can go break a sweat for 20 minutes, then get a shower, you'll be feeling A LOT better.


Eat a big meal - breakfast, lunch - whatever time it is by now. Then take a nap for about half an hour, wake up and enjoy the rest of your day.


If I do all of this stuff, I can pretty much drink however I want the night before and only have the first 2 or 3 hours of the following day ruined. Then again, I don't WANT to drink a silly amount - 6 or 8 drinks is a solid night of drinking for me. I like have a good time but not get sloppy blacked out drunk - if you do, there might not be much than can help.

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