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I guess this is just the amp-death time of the year...


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...because one of mine is starting to go, too, and I can't figure out what the problem is. It's a Carvin Vintage 16 with 1x12". I noticed a couple weeks ago that I was getting a weird rattle/buzz sound on certain notes (namely B and C, anywhere on the fretboard). I tried it with my other amp, no problem. I tried other guitars with the problem amp, same problem. I swapped out the tubes (all of them, and the output tubes are the same brand and rating, so I didn't think re-biasing was necessary), same problem. I don't know a ton about amps, but the buzz/rattle is definitely coming from the speaker itself, and not from any components in the amp or objects in the room. Then, the other night, I was playing pretty loud through the other amp, and I thought I heard the speaker on the problem amp vibrating sympathetically when I hit a B or a C. I could've been mistaken about that, though. I checked the speaker cone for breaks or tears as best I could without removing it, but if it's not the speaker, I don't have a clue what it is. Any ideas?

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