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Doing studio work for a songwriter


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So we got a call from a guy who says he saw our show and liked it, and was wondering if we would be interested in recording the music for some original songs he had written. We figured sure, why not...and told him to contact us again and we would work something out.


Now that I had a chance to chew on it for a minute, I had a few hypothetical questions pop up:


1. Let's say this guy has written a killer song, we do the music, then he goes off and sells it on his own CD with us as the backing band and sells a hojillion copies. I'm thinking we should get a cut of that, so what is normally done in this situation? Are agreements reached in advance, or would we be able to claim credit after the fact?


2. The guy uses our demo to sell the song to another band or publisher or whoever. Same questions...


I realize this ain't gonna happen, but I was curious about it, and would like to have some info just in case pigs do fly out of my butt. So, what say ye?

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The way I see it, you should agree on a session fee per member that records for him. Keep detailed work logs while you're working this project for the guy. After that, who cares? You got paid for work you did, but it was his song and he hired you.


If I hire a guy to paint my house (which adds value) and then sell the house, should he get a cut of my sale price b/c he made the house worth more?


I think its an honor to work on good music. If I get paid it is even better.

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1. Let's say this guy has written a killer song, we do the music, then he goes off and sells it on his own CD with us as the backing band and sells a hojillion copies. I'm thinking we should get a cut of that, so what is normally done in this situation? Are agreements reached in advance, or would we be able to claim credit after the fact?


It's called 'work for hire.' As the previous poster said, you are only entitled to the fee for playing the songs.

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