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So, I'm thinking about getting a custom guitar made.....


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Hey there guys, need your help on something.


I've been asking around here what kinda of guitar of I should get for myself. I've tried different brands like Ibanez, ESP and Musicman. An option I haven't fully explored yet is having a custom job done. It's a local guitar shop here in the Philippines that's gaining some renown for it's very well done custom jobs. Here's some pics:






More at their website: http://www.elegeeguitars.com/


I can basically combine all the things I liked about the guitars I tried into one super-axe made especially for me No brainer right? Problem is, I know almost nothing about guitar building or materials. I've got no idea about body wood or neck wood, or how many pieces a neck has to have. Pickups, well I know the types and brands but pickup combos just befuddle me. I'd probably put a Seymour Duncan Invader with....I dunno, a JB 51? I've got no idea how that will sound like. All I know is singlecoils = bright, humbuckers = warm


I've already got a design in mind for my guitar and I'm going to base it off Rusty Cooley's Dean RC7 Xenocide, except mine will be a 6-string with passive pickups.




While I like custom graphics, I'm thinking of just going for a transparent black finish with a figured top:




I'm asking for help regarding pickups, body wood, neck wood, tuners....y'know, EVERYTHING . Here's some guidelines for suggestions:


- It has to have a double-locking floating trem. I'm deciding whether to put a Floyd or an Edge Pro/Edge Zero trem.


- An HH setup with coil tap. I'm also thinking of having a piezo installed but it's incredibly pricey.


Again, my aim here is versatility and playability. I'm trying learn to play fast, shredder type stuff with lots of chugging power chords in between but I am not averse to blues, pop and punk and even some jazzier stuff.


BTW, if you'll notice, Dean guitars are my main aesthetic influence for my custom guitar. That's because they're undeniably cool looking (these models at least) and have a striking appearance. Problem is, these things cost an arm and a leg A custom job, especially by a good luthier, can never go wrong since it's designed to the specs YOU want.

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