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New Gretsch


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On the advice of forumites, I got some of this to polish the frets, and it worked ok:


Like my friend from Utah (by the way Jeff how is your daughter doing?), I use the Never-Dull to polish frets.
If the frets are gritty or rough, I tape over the pickups with the blue painters tape and use 0000 steel wool to smooth them (I must try the synthetic type next time). I will finish off by conditioning the fretboard with this:


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Yo, I just received a new gretsch duo jet this week. Really nice I like everything, except the fact that it seems to have been sitting for a long time. The frets are tarnished and the strings are in poor shape. So the strings can be replaced easily, but what do you guys recommend to polish the frets with? Should I put masking tape next to each fret to protect the neck wood if I use an abrasive polish? Someone please share your experiences. Thanks in advance.

Are you Lithuanian? :thu:

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Yes, lithuanian.

I adjusted the pickup screws, the bass is more muted now, very balanced. Sounds awesome, actually. The switch for the pickups the sounds are amazingly different and the tone knobs actually do something now. Love this guitar.

But, I think the action is a bit too high as I'm learning some neoclassical stuff, the strings are too high IMO. I lowered the bridge using the screws as much as possible, but they are still high. I'm going to check the straightness of the neck and see what's up when I get home, but anyone have any suggestions on how to lower the action on the higher frets? Is there a different bridge I can get?

Oh, and I took that pic and a couple others that are now blown up and 24x24 inches on my wall in the living room. Not a catalogue photo, but thanks for teh complement!

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